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Artist Story

My art journey is made up of puzzle pieces that I’ve picked up through life. When I was very little I enjoyed the excitement of a new crayon box, something all creatives can relate to. In elementary school, I began creating computers from cut paper and staples that I would show make for friends and family. In middle school I began feeling so intensely, I got a taste of the ups and downs life has to offer. In high school, I discovered the power of finding my place and the great things my love for art brought. In college, I realized that teaching art wasn’t going to be enough for me. I needed to eat, sleep, and breathe the topic of art. After college, I discovered how fragile and beautiful life is. That feeling of nostalgia is the best gift of all. I hope Waterworks gives you the warm feelings of nostalgia. A dream is just a dream, you have to take the steps to make it your reality. My puzzle would seem complete but it’s just a foundation to build from.

Love, Mikayla

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